Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Draft Planning Series: Standard 10 Team 7th Position Episode 1 - Introduction

Have you ever felt lost at a draft, or scrambled to figure out who to pick, only to discover seconds after you made your pick that you overlooked something crucial?  If you have, then you need to train more before entering the Colosseum, and this draft planning academy is for you

This is a series that will focus on taking your team from joining the league through the draft.  I divide the process into the following steps:

1.  Projections
2.  Determining Best ADP Lineup
3.  Sleepers, Defenses, and Kickers
4.  Contingency Plans
5.  Draft Implementation

The first league I'll take you through is a standard scoring ESPN league with:

1 QB
2 RB
1 Flex
2 WR
1 TE
1 K

Pretty easy, right?  To get our feet wet this year, I'll skip the first step for this league, and just use the footballguys rankings.

Next post will determine the best ADP lineup according to those strict projections, and once we're finished with all our plans, I'll do a mock draft and show you how it turned out.  Later, I'll take you through a couple pay leagues I'm in (I don't pretend to be a man of the people, but I do try to be a man for the people).

It's easy when you have a firm plan in place when drafting, and I usually have a really good idea what my team will look like before I even make my first pick.

"What we do in preparation, echoes during the draft." - Fantasy Football Maximus

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